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About Me! 

My name is Ella.

In my 24 years of living, I have not grown more than 4ft11", which is something people like to point out. I like not to define myself by my height, but as it it often the first thing people notice about me, I suppose it's due to habit that I am now instantly bringing it to your attention. That way, we can acknowledge it, accept it, and swiftly move on,

I have been writing on and off since I graduated from University, where I studied Journalism and Creative Writing. At the start of the dreaded lockdown, I was part way through a two year MA in Screenwriting, which I passed online by 2021. Throughout my uni years, I lived by the Cornish seaside, which gave me the life values I desire as an 'adult' - sea air, cobbled pavements, cottage houses and a real 'Sunday vibe' way of living (Sunday Vibe def: to transmit or give out a feeling of atmosphere, or calm emotional state, on a day typically associated with worship, in this case of the self).

When I am not enjoying a day off in typical Sunday style (i.e. reading, cooking, cleaning, watering the plants and drinking tea), I am most likely running around headless as Assistant Manager in a women's retailers, inspiring women to feel confident about their bodies. Fortunately, I live 2 minutes away from where I work, so once I've climbed up the 5 flights of stairs to my flat, I can rest once more - and yes, rest for me does often include the shameless binge-watching of shoddy soaps like Eastenders, because hey, it makes me feel better. No judgement here. 

I did of course, hit a bit of a wall with blog writing. When I came back from travelling I went straight into my MA and it sort of took over. You'd think that the pandemic would've given me all the time I needed to write, but I feel there's only so much you can say about reading books and living at your boyfriend's parents...
Re-discovering the world of blogging has brought me back into a comfortable space where I hope to share my thoughts, both random and philosophical, with you lovely readers.

I would like to take a moment to thank the people in my life who continuously encourage me to pursue writing and build my confidence daily. You know who you are and you are loved.

Enjoy! El. x

Contact Me

Don't hesitate to get in touch! I would love to hear if you have any comments, questions or things you'd like me to talk about. Email below or contact me on Instagram.

I will do my best to get back to you as soon as possible. 

Thanks! E. x

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